study the boys

Fashion, for some strange reason, tends to be deemed as a feminine interest. Thanks to a gradually improving society, androgynous models and boys who wear makeup are becoming more commonplace. Still, we expect women to set trends and rarely give a thought to male models or designers. Why do we feel the need to overlook such iconic styles solely because they’re worn by men?

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who in the world is Lolita?

In 1955, Vladimir Nabokov’s most famous masterpiece went haywire – upon publication, it was banned nearly everywhere. The story of old Humbert Humbert’s doomed obsession with the 12-year-old Dolores Haze was certainly no love story, and literary critics everywhere mistook it to be perceived as such. It’s easy to see how such a controversial story would leave such a mark on literature, but nobody expected the next influence it would have on young society: fashion.

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(in a cheetah print coat!)

In all my life, I never thought I’d be blogging about ridiculous cheetah print coats. (Among other items of clothing.) And yet, here I am, typing away, regretting every decision I’ve ever made in my life.

I myself am not currently in possession of a cheetah print coat, because 1) they’re far too expensive for someone my age, and 2) I’d really have no practical use in wearing such a thing around. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate them from afar, in all their glorious ridiculousness.

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